
The Constitution lays out the fundamental framework of how AGS works, describes the roles of AGS officers, and details budget creation and student group funding guidelines. The current Constitution was ratified on 2005-07-26.

Download the AGS Constitution here.


The AGS Bylaws provide the rules for day to day operations. It covers topics such as committee budgeting, elections, and council membership. They are updated regularly to meet the needs of AGS and currently must be reviewed annually. The Bylaws were last fully rewritten on 2023-10-10 and were last amended on 2024-06-04.

Download the AGS Bylaws here.

Elections Code

The AGS Elections Code is a codification of rules and procedures for running an AGS election, established under Article VI of the Associated Graduate Students of the University of California, Irvine. Since many of its details pertain to the timeline of a specific election, it is generally amended before being approved by the AGS Council to begin the elections process. The most recent Elections Code was approved by AGS Council on 2024-02-27.

Download the 2024-02-27 AGS Elections Code here.