Meet Your Executive Officers!

Amelia Roskin-FrazeePresident
Amelia Roskin-Frazee is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of California, Irvine. She received her BA in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from Columbia University. Her research focuses on how the intersection of gender, race, and sexuality affect sex crime policing in the United States. When not doing work for AGS, she can be found shouting into megaphones, playing steel drums, or contemplating how strange it feels to write about herself in the third person.
Rebecca Angela RuízVP of External Affairs
Zora MihaleyVP of Social Affairs
Juan Carlos Ruíz Malagon
Juan Carlos Ruíz MalagonVP of Internal Affairs
Juan Carlos Ruiz Malagon, MS, MA is a first-generation/low-income third-year doctoral student in Public Health at the Joe C. Wen School of Public Health at the University of California, Irvine Public Health program. He attended UC Davis for his bachelor’s, UCSD for his MA in Global Health, and Stanford University for his MS in Community Health. Juan Carlos’s research interests lie in structural determinants of health, health injustices among minoritized populations, and Latiné marginalized communities.
Christine Head VP of Finance Affairs
Daniel C. Tracht VP of Administrative Affairs
Daniel C. Tracht is a PhD candidate in the Department of Economics, has served on AGS Council since Fall 2021, and has served as the Vice President of Administrative Affairs since Fall 2022.

Roles & Responsibilities


  • Set the vision for AGS and with the help of the executive board
  • Plan the short and long term strategic, operational and organizational goals for AGS
  • Serve as the Chief Executive Officer of AGS
  • Chair all meetings of the AGS Council
  • Build and sustain vital relationships with campus partners on all matters pertaining to graduate students
  • Recognize graduate student needs and work with campus administration to fulfill those needs
  • Facilitate the creation and continuation of AGS Programs and Events

VP of Internal Affairs

  • Represent graduate and professional student interests to all on-campus entities that affect students’ needs and rights, such as the Student Health Insurance Advisory Committee
  • Chair the Internal Committee, which advocates on behalf of graduate students
  • With the President, serve as a primary advocate on issues of campus housing, health care, parking, mental health, and campus climate
  • Coordinate programs related to Internal Affairs

VP of External Affairs

  • Chair the External Committee which advocates at the systemwide and national levels on behalf of UCI graduate students
  • Maintain relationships with local, state, and national legislators representing UCI Students
  • Educate students on issues affecting graduate education at the local and national level
  • Lobby on behalf of UCI students at our local offices as well as Capitol Hill

VP of Financial Affairs

  • Provide oversight and allocates AGS resources in various graduate and professional student funding requests for travel, projects, and finance programs
  • Oversee the Finance Committee
  • Represent graduate students on fees and referendums at the executive level.

VP of Social Affairs

  • Work with the Social Committee to bring social and cultural events and programming to the graduate and professional student community
  • Oversee efforts to bring a wide variety of programming to students
  • Represent graduate student’ interests and needs on planning committees for campus-wide events like Graduate Student Orientation
  • Plan outreach programs and events that support graduate students’ health and well-being, academic success, and social lives

VP of Administrative Affairs

  • Work the Campus Communications Director to ensure important issues and information are brought to the graduate community
  • Appoint graduate student representatives to external committees like UCI’s Academic Senate
  • Ensure transparency by keeping Council attendance and representation records
  • Manage AGS’s documentation including legislation, meeting agendas and minutes, governing documents, meeting calendar and website
  • Chair a Constitution Revision Committee when necessary